Operation Yellow Badger wins first Film Slam of 09
(released 1/13/2009)

For events like the Film Slam, it's a good thing that the movies started late due to people still getting tickets and trying to get concessions.  Twenty minutes in this case.

The first Slam of 2009 had 160 people attending.  It's not a record, but definitely a good way to start the year.

The short film with the most points on Sunday was Operation Yellow Badger which was written by Paul Jones, Jr., directed by William Malone and produced by Blake Bickerstaff.  If you missed it, you can still check it out online at www.OYBmovie.com.

Second place went to Bloodwork - Biohazardous Art.  It is a documentary by David Bermejo about artist Keith Theriot and the unique material Keith uses to paint... his blood... his HIV+ blood.  Both filmmaker Bermejo and artist Theriot were in attendance.  Theriot had a couple of pieces framed and on display in the Enzian lobby.  See PhotoSeen.  You can also view Bloodwork online - http://www.vimeo.com/2405888.

Third place went to Sticks and Stones.  It was written by Mike Nelson, directed by Jon Solomon and Pedro Colon and produced by Jason Boyette & Mike Jones.

The other entries in the January 11th Film Slam were Neon Lights by Daniel Scherr, The Box by Lance Kuhns, Gangsters & Vengeance by Mark Christmas, and Stuck by Banks Helfrich.

Photos from the event are in the PhotoSeen.  To get your film entered into an upcoming Film Slam, go to http://www.enzian.org/films/filmslam.html for details.

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