Northwest/Tallahassee Legislative Wrap-up

Short and Long Term Growth Strategies for Cultivating & Growing Florida's
Entertainment Production Industry
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Continental Breakfast will be served
The Florida State Capitol Building
300 Monroe Street
House of Representatives Majority Conference Room
3rd Floor
Tallahassee, FL 32399
This is the last of in a series of Film Florida Education Forums that have been held across the State: Southeast and Southwest Florida (Miami), Central/Central West and Central East Florida (Orlando), Northeast Florida (Jacksonville) and this recap for the Northwest and North Central Florida region (Tallahassee).These presentations have reinforced the value of our industry to Florida's economy, as a job creator and tourism inducer and provided compelling documented case studies about the success of Florida's incentive program.
Also, please join Film Florida for our presentation to the State House of Representatives Committee on Economic Affairs which will begin directly after the Wrap-up
Date: 11/07/2013
Location: Reed Hall (102 House Office Building)
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Your participation is important to shaping the future of the Florida Film & Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program!
Please confirm your participation on our educational panel at
RSVP Required.