We recently ran into Amy Tomberlin Cheek and Mike Bernstein at a Women in Film & Television meeting. Their company is called A Production House. They diversify their work like most in the industry have to do. They handle many kinds of video and camera systems and work on corporate events, music videos, commercials, and more.
The Orlando Eye opened this spring and APH set up the 360 camera rig that captured part of Nik Wallenda's famous walk. Here's the video from that event. If you are using Chrome or Firefox, you can actually grab the screen and move around for the 360 view. IE, not so much. Check it out.
At the WIFT meeting, they were promoting their latest gadget for film work. It's an Electric Motorized Camera Dolly. They are renting it and it comes with Amy as the stunt driver and Mike behind the camera. You can mount a camera anywhere on this 45mph driven dolly. Since it is electric, it doesn't make unwanted sound from a combustion engine. That's something to think about when recording live sound. Here is a copy of their flyer, so you can see how it looks and where to find them.

If you go to their website, you can see some more of what they offer and find out how to contact them: www.APHAV.com