There's a Terror Inside Montverde
(released 4/14/2007)

We had the opportunity to get out to the set of Terror Inside on two occasions this past week. We visited the Minott-Lenders Motion Pictures' production on Tuesday, April 10th. After getting a few pictures, we decided to go back the next day due to rainy conditions. This proved to be a good idea as the skies were blue on Wednesday.

The film is being co-produced by Valencia Community College's Film Technology Program headed by Ralph Clemente. The film was written, is being directed, and is co-produced by Jozef Lenders. He originally wrote the script approximately 10 years ago and recently approached his co-producer and DP Flip Minott to help put this thing together. According to Flip Minott, they budgeted around $200,000 and with the help of Valencia's equipment and crew now have a value estimated at about $500,000.

The crew was comprised of only a few professionals with the majority being Valencia film students. We were welcomed on the set the first day by one of the pros, 1st AD Jamie Touton.

Everyone working on Terror Inside is a local, except for the two lead actors, Corey Feldman (Gremlins, The Goonies, Stand By Me, The Lost Boys) and Tanya Memme (Move This House, CSI: Miami, JAG).

On Tuesday, the crew had taken over a Montverde home for the day. The production actually took over a few of the buildings in town. One building was used for their Wardrobe and Hair & Makeup facility, while another building was used for craft services by Showtime Catering. Others were also used strictly as sets.

On Wednesday, we found the crew making use of a community building across from the cemetery. They turned it into a church for the day. There were quite a few extras made up with fresh wounds on their faces and arms, which leads to the premise of the film. A virus enters this small rural town that changes people's perceptions of pleasure and pain. The sensations of those infected are reversed.

Director Joe Lenders was explaining to the extras that they are in church, which is normally a place of joy, but under the viral circumstances, they were feeling pain and misery.

The last time a motion picture was filmed in Montverde, Valencia was involved and so were a few Hollywood actors. The film was Dunsmore in 2001.

For coverage of Dunsmore, go here.

Photos from Terror Inside and Dunsmore are available in the PhotoSeen.

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