Abyssmalween is Saturday, October 27 in Downtown
By Douglas Lorah
On Saturday, October 27th, Abyssmal Entertainment will be holding their annual Costume Ball entitled Abyssmalween 2007. The event will be held at City Arts Factory in Downtown Orlando.
As Abyssmal Entertainment is a crossover entertainment company (they do video production, headshot and other photography, music production), Abyssmalween will follow suit and have different avenues of entertainment.
There will be live performances by bands Ten 13 Concept, Tooth and The Enamels, Celebrity Autopsy, and Sterling Schroeder. There will also be an alternative fashion show highlighting Central Florida designers and boutiques: Hipkat Apparel, Evil Needles, Stainboy, Enemy Ink, Khaos Klothing, and others.
You are encouraged to wear a costume!!!
The event cover is $5 for the night. Doors open at 8pm with the first band at 9:00pm.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask Steven Shea at steven@abyssmal.com.
Below is the event poster.

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