$1 Million in Florida Incentive Funds Available
Monday, February 12, 2007)
By greenroomwire
As of one week ago, the incentive funds were fully allocated and several productions were in line waiting for funding. A few days ago, there was about $380,000 available after the shows in line got their funding due to certified shows surrendering their incentive funds – and as of Thursday, February 8th, the total available jumped to over $1 million due to another show falling through... which means THERE ARE MORE INCENTIVE FUNDS AVAILABLE!
The amount available right now is $1,114,596. Please note that this could change – up or down - at any time! A production need only have $850,000 in qualified expenditures to qualify for the incentive (which would earn a minimum cash rebate of $127,500.) To get a $1,000,000 cash rebate would require qualified expenditures of over $6,600,000.
There is also a chance that more shows will drop out, meaning more incentive funds would become available.
If you have a production that Florida might be a good home for before July 1st, 2007, PLEASE APPLY! If you know of one, TELL THEM TO APPLY!
The incentive info is online at filminflorida.com – or call (850) 410-4765.
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